my past
i cant remember much from my past, all i remember i was born september 19th of 2008, i was a the most calm kid out of my siblings (according to my mom) and i wasnt much trouble.. obiously you can see that changed but yeah

i cant remember much from my past, all i remember i was born september 19th of 2008, i was a the most calm kid out of my siblings (according to my mom) and i wasnt much trouble.. obiously you can see that changed but yeah
my present is the one i know the most about belive it or not!! i am currently going to school at MTCHS! this lace is alright but every day is kinda the same lmao, its alright though, its worth it for the cool teachers and my friends! thats it though, onto my future!
i obviously dont know much about my future, but i really hope i can go and become a pharmacist! its my dream to be able to study in pharmacology and i hope i can even get a Masters! thats it though.
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